There are no words to describe my love affair with literature.
This book is about 2 young magicians who are involved in a "game" for their lives. The stage? The stage is a circus, The Night Circus. This is the tale of what happens when the 2 magicians fall in love.
This book was enchanting! I went in expecting a romance and what I got was so much better! There is romance involved, but it isn't over the top, it is perfectly done. This story is all about the members of the circus and how they interact with each other and with the circus.
The story is broken up into parts. The story starts with the reader walking through the circus. All throughout the book there are breaks between chapters. These breaks are all written from the point of view of the reader as you walk through the circus. The chapters almost become flashbacks to the 2 magicians. The world-building is captivating as are the characters.
The characters are all so unique, as is the story itself. I applaud Morgenstern for her ingenuity. The air of mystery lingers throughout the whole book. I wouldn't say that this story is fast paced, but it isn't too slow, it moves at the just the right rate to keep you interested and turning the next page. The vivid descriptions of the circus itself made it easy to picture and the details are impeccable.
I will recommend this book to everyone! This will definitely be on my re-read list! Thanks so much for reading!
Have a fabulous day lovelies
Yours truly, signing off!