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The Reader Who Lives a Thousand Lives

There are no words to describe my love affair with literature.

Her Bookshelf: READ

4 of 5 stars
It was pretty good. Re-read this so I would be ready to read the rest of the series.
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
2 of 5 stars
This book was just okay. Overhyped, but I don't regret reading it.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder
4 of 5 stars
Love this series. Just the perfect amount of humor and mystery to keep me reading!



In yesterday's post I briefly mentioned my wrist hurting and causing me all sorts of trouble. Well, today I went to the doctor to find out what is wrong with my poor, sad little wrist. Before visiting with the doctor, I had been told by a nurse that my pain was consistent with Carpal Tunnel. I read up on this and found that I disagreed, the pain wasn't consistent with Carpal Tunnel at all.

   The moment of truth arrived and... I was right, it isn't Carpal Tunnel. It is a Ganglion Cyst. (Sounds really scary right?) Carpal Tunnel and Ganglion Cysts are caused by similar circumstances. I spend the majority of my time on a computer typing so the repetitive action is what caused the ganglion cyst. It will be a while before I am back to my old self, so I will be putting my guitar away for a little while and I will be wearing a brace for the foreseeable future.

 I will still be posting! I have been planning some future posts and trying to get a little more organized with my blogging ideas and plans. I am hoping to do some weekly segments and things like that. I am also working on being more active in the groups I have joined. Thank you so much for reading!


Have a fabulous day lovelies!


Yours Truly, signing off!

